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Pitch In for RecycleMania

Posted by on Wednesday, February 1, 2012 in Events, News, Waste & Recycling.

Recycling is a positive thing to do all the time, but RecycleMania provides an extra incentive to recycle during the months of February and March. RecycleMania began in 2001 as a friendly competition between two universities to encourage recycling. It has grown to an international competition among over 600 colleges and universities.

With recycling bins in many indoor (most hallways and break rooms) and outdoor locations and recycling stations next to every residential dumpster throughout Vanderbilt’s campus, it is easier than ever to pitch in. Did you know that you can recycle all of the following items on campus: Cardboard, paper, aluminum and steel cans, all plastic containers, electronics, ink and toner cartridges, batteries, light bulbs, glass, pens and mechanical pencils? Visit “recycling guidance” on the SustainVU website for more information.

RecycleMania isn’t just about recycling, we get points for REDUCING our waste as well. Here are some simple things you can do in your area to reduce waste:

  • Set up computers and printers to print double-sided as a default.
  • Keep scrap paper next to your printer to use for printing or notes whenever appropriate.
  • Bring meals in reusable containers or eat in at Rand or the Commons to reduce packaging waste.
  • Reuse file folders.
  • Keep a reusable bag in your kitchen, break room, or residence to use when shopping or buying lunch.
  • Communicate by email or voicemail instead of paper whenever possible.
  • Use and reuse interdepartmental mail envelopes.
  • Keep a reusable mug, water bottle, plate and silverware at your desk or in your room to use instead of disposables.
  • Select products that use minimal packaging.
  • Recirculate items you no longer need by utilizing Vandy FreeSwap or making a donation.
  • Recycle everything else!

Thank you for doing your part to help Vanderbilt win RecycleMania!

For more information about RecycleMania or recycling on campus please visit, contact or call 343-2784 (E.ARTH on campus).

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