Study Abroad
Vanderbilt takes care to minimize the risks students face abroad and provide support through several measures:
- Selecting responsible partners and organizations to provide educational opportunities abroad;
- Providing program-specific training to help students identify and mitigate potential risks;
- Providing access to on-site support staff and organizations trained to handle emergencies of all types;
- Training on-campus personnel to respond to crises and provide support where possible;
- Training students in preventive as well as remedial strategies to avoid trouble abroad;
- Monitoring the safety and security of our programs abroad on a 24/7 basis;
- Providing 24/7 support to students in crisis abroad through Vanderbilt Incident Response for Travel (VIRT). Students (and faculty leaders) can call +1 615.322.2745 to be connected with a team dedicated to providing safety-related guidance and assistance.
- Ensuring access to the highest local standard of medical and security services abroad;
- Via the Study Abroad Risk Assessment Committee, assessing risk mitigation plans and ensuring that travelers understand and are prepared for travel to locations of particular concern. SARAC forecloses travel if mitigation measures are insufficient.
We also recommend that students take their safety into their own hands. Students should take time to know the local laws and learn about behavioral norms and expectations. By attending their pre-departure orientation and reading the materials provided by Vanderbilt and its partners, students will get a view into what life looks like at the study abroad destination, including tips for staying safe.
Online Resources
There are many online resources of use to the international traveler. We have selected some of the most helpful:
US State Department Resources
- Smart Traveler Enrollment Program. Ensure that you receive localized embassy communications and can be located by the US government in an emergency (US citizens only)
- Overseas Security Advisory Council. Private sector-governmental committee that provides security analysis of areas and events around the world.
- Information and services for travelers, including travel risk ratings.
Preparing for Safe and Healthy Travel Abroad
- List of World Emergency Numbers. Emergency phone numbers around the world. Be prepared by looking up the countries you plan to visit before you depart.
- Association for Safe International Road Travel. Information on minimizing road risks, one of the top causes of death for international travelers.
- US Centers for Disease Control. Health and disease information and recommendations by country.
- World Health Organization. Country-specific and topic-specific health information, as well as notices about disease outbreaks and health emergencies.
- Travel Safety Administration. Information on travel and security screenings.
Securing Travel Visas
Companies that can assist you with visa information and applications include CIBTvisas and Travisa.
Photo: Manase, Savai’i, Samoa. Courtesy of Connie Tsai.