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Training and Workshops

SCSJI training for students in the CES

SCSJI offers a variety of interactive training and workshop sessions, the most popular being Unconscious Bias, Intercultural Competency, and Navigating Difficult Conversations.

Our trainings and workshops are rooted in the foundations of social justice, intercultural competence, and restorative practices that enable participants to unpack their identities and positionalities in society, unlearn and disrupt stereotypes and biases, and challenge inequity on campus and in their broader communities.

Our training and workshop sessions are designed to directly serve undergraduate, graduate, and professional students and those that directly engage with them at Vanderbilt University. Sessions have pre-determined time requirements, typically ranging from 1-2 hours for in-person facilitation.

Intercultural Competency

Navigating Difficult Conversations

This is an introductory training that is recommended for students interested in exploring how to foster positive conversations. We will be differentiating between debate/dialogue while developing tools to overcome challenging conversations within your organization at Vanderbilt and beyond.

Intercultural Competency

This is an introductory training that is recommended for students interested in understanding cultural differences. This workshop will breakdown the culture and define intercultural competency, a tool participants will be able to utilize when communicating across differences.


This is an introductory training that is recommended for students who need assistance recognizing the various ways microaggressions show up in their daily experiences. We will define various forms of microaggressions and develop skills to address them within the Vanderbilt community as well as other spaces.

Unconscious Bias

This is an introductory training that is recommended for student organizations’ new members, first-years, and new leaders interested in an introduction to foundational tools of intercultural competency. We will define unconscious bias and develop tools to reflect on and reduce/interrupt bias at Vanderbilt and beyond.

Social Justice Education

Countering Colorblind Ideologies

This is an introductory training that is recommended for student organizations’ new members, first-years, and new leaders interested in understanding colorblind ideologies and looking to gain tools to directly confront and combat these.

The Impact of Power and Privilege

This is an intermediate training that is recommended for students who have already received introductory training from the intercultural competency section. This session is interactive and uses big-picture concepts and activities to help students understand and identify the basic definitions of power and privilege; what their positionality is as it relates to these terms, and how to actively reflect on and use power and privilege in a socially just way as they navigate different environments at Vanderbilt.


This is an advanced training that is recommended for students with multiple years of experience with dialogue around intercultural competence or who have had robust leadership experience in their organization. We interrogate colonialism’s hold on Vanderbilt (and beyond) through a multicultural lens and reflect on ways to self-educate and take responsibility for reducing harm on campus related to colonization.

Ally & Accomplice

This is an advanced training that is recommended for students who have already received introductory training on bias/power and privilege or are interested in learning about advocating for historically marginalized populations. We will define ally and accomplice to challenge students to move toward being active citizens/accomplices using critical dialogue to encourage change-making.

Inclusive Student Leadership

Inclusive Programming and Diversifying Memberships

This is an introductory training that is recommended for students who wish to be more inclusive in their organizations and leadership. Students will examine their current programs and strategize ways to incorporate inclusive practices in terms of membership, accessibility, and more.

Leading Holistically

This is an introductory training that is recommended for students who want to develop their leadership approach and strengthen their leadership skills. We will be defining leadership and holistic leadership and exploring the benefits of incorporating a holistic approach within your organization and beyond Vanderbilt.

Advocacy & Activism

This is an intermediate training that is recommended for students who have already participated in one or more introductory trainings or hold a leadership position in their organization. We will explore the meanings of advocacy and activism and examine their roles in commonplace scenarios at Vanderbilt and beyond to grow as social change agents.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

This is an introductory training that is encouraged for student leaders who want to understand how imposter syndrome can impact their leadership experiences. We will discuss how our social identities can influence our experiences with imposter syndrome and navigate tools to address the phenomena daily.

Social Identities

Exploring Social Identities

This is an introductory training that is recommended for students who are interested in understanding social identities and how they influence our experiences at Vanderbilt University and beyond. We will explore how particular social group memberships offer advantages and what role identities play in understanding other’s experiences.

Race & Ethnicity

This is an introductory training that is recommended for students who would like to understand the difference between race and ethnicity. We will explore how both may play a role in their Vanderbilt experience and beyond while developing an appreciation for their social identities.

Community Building

Restorative Practices

Restorative practices are used to strengthen relationships between individuals as well as social connections within communities. SCSJI offers restorative practices that build and restore relationships through equal opportunity sharing and listening. These talking circles proactively build the skills individuals need when conflicts arise because they give every individual the opportunity to speak and be heard.

Simulations and Interactive Activities


Barnga is an intro-level simulation card game recommended to student organizations interested in building supportive and inclusive collaboration among members. Barnga focuses on addressing stereotypes and developing intercultural competence through effective cross-cultural communication.

[University of Michigan LSA Inclusive Teaching]

Black Box

Black Box is an immersive and emotionally-challenging simulation focused on assumptions and bias and their role on decision-making and leadership. Black Box does not require prior experience with social justice themes/content.

In My City

In My City! Is an intro-level simulation where participants are tasked with building their “ideal community.” In My City! Is recommended for student organizations interested in exploring the impact of structural variables intersecting with their identities, social roles, etc.

[Written and Developed by Prithak Chowdhury, September 2018, Georgia State University]

Liberatory Dialogue Cards 

Liberatory Dialogue Cards is an activity that promotes reflection on identity and spirituality in students’ lives through art and imagery. It is critical dialogue in the form of photos.


StarPower is an intro-level simulation in which participants explore societal structures of power and wealth, developing skills to advance equality through intercultural competence.

[Simulation Training Systems]

Transformational Poetry

Transformational Poetry focuses on liberation through using art pedagogy. Participants will be exploring multiple identities through poetry and contemplative arts.

****Please note that each of the simulations, except the Liberatory Dialogue Cards, takes about two hours. 

Individual and/or Group Assessments

Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI)

The IDI is assesses intercultural competence—the capability to shift cultural perspective and appropriately adapt behavior to cultural differences and commonalities. Intercultural competence is a tool that is used to navigate communication across identities that differ and are similar to you own. The assessment takes about 15-20 minutes to complete. SCSJI offers the IDI to individuals or student groups interested in assessing their intercultural competence and identifying tools to develop inclusive practices.

Intercultural Conflict Style (ICS)

The ICS is a questionnaire that assesses an individual’s approach to communicating, resolving conflicts, and solving problems. The assessment takes about 15 minutes to complete. SCSJI offers the ICS to individuals or student groups interested in identifying their conflict style and tools to navigate and resolve conflict.

***Please note that the IDI and ICS have a fee. 

Empower Hour (Custom Workshop)

We hope that the above categories will fit the kind of training session you’re looking for! If this is not the case, feel free to request an SCSJI Empower Hour! This custom workshop format is a hyper-focused 1-hour session that will dive deep into a specific social justice/diversity/inclusion topic of your group’s choosing.

For more information or questions regarding trainings, please email