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World on Wednesdays

Posted by on Monday, April 3, 2017 in Archives, News.

World On Wednesday presents: “Religious Pluralism in the United States Capital”
Wednesday, Apr. 12, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Sarratt Student Center 325/327 – Open to the Public
Food and refreshments will be provided

We live in a country where people of differing religious traditions are interacting more than ever before. This could potentially create barriers between people or allow for strengthened cooperation.

Come hear from the graduate students who led the ISSS and OUCRL Interfaith Spring Break Trip in Washington DC, where a group of Vanderbilt students spent the trip meeting with different religious leaders and attending a variety of different religious traditions’ worship services. Listen to stories about how interfaith work is positively improving the political climate and helping shift religious discourse and walk away with practical ways you can use interfaith work on Vanderbilt’s campus.

Presentation by Brea Rodriguez-Harris and Byron Tyler Coles, ISSS and OUCRL

Sponsored by: International Student and Scholar Services
Contact: Derrick Stevens,