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FREN 3230: History and Economics of French Cinema from Paris to Cannes

Brochure By ID

FREN 3230: History and Economics of French Film: From Paris to Cannes


Program terms: Maymester
Restrictions: Vanderbilt/External applicants accepted
Type of Program: Faculty-led
Costs: Budget Sheets
Academic Calendar: Summer
Key Dates:
Term Application Deadline Program Dates

Information and Costs

For more information, including information on course content, costs, and/or AXLE credit, see the A&S Summer Sessions web page.


Use the Apply Now button above to open an application (use the Log In link in the upper right corner of the page to return to your application if you've already opened one). If there is no Apply Now button visible, applications for this program have not yet been opened for the upcoming Maymester term. Maymesters are generally announced, and applications generally open, in November of the preceding fall.

For more information, visit program homepage.

Fact Sheet

Housing: N/A
Minimum GPA: N/A
Language of Instruction: English
Language prerequisite: No
Additional prerequisites: N/A
Costs: Budget Sheets
Student contacts: Peer alumni

Photo: L'Amour à Paris, courtesy of Veronica Fulton


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