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EMI Mini-Symposia
EMI-MS-00: General Submissions
We welcome abstracts relevant to the EMI Conference. Topics of interest include, but not limited to, computational and applied mechanics, structural mechanics, computational geomechanics and geosciences, fluid mechanics, performance-based engineering, sensing and health monitoring, life cycle performance, and aging/ deterioration/ retrofitting. If you can identify a suitable MS# for your abstract from the list below, please submit your abstract to that MS directly. Otherwise, please submit your abstract to this MS, and the Chair will assign a suitable MS for your abstract.
EMI-MS-01: Structural Identification and Damage Detection
EMI Dynamics Committee
EMI Structural Control and Health Monitoring Committee
Eleni Chatzi, ETH-Zurich
Costas Papadimitriou, University of Thessaly
Siu-Kui Au, University of Liverpool
The mini-symposium deals with structural identification methods and applications, as well as structural health monitoring algorithms for damage detection and reliability prognosis. It covers theoretical and computational issues, applications in structural dynamics, earthquake engineering, mechanical and aerospace engineering, as well as other related engineering disciplines. Topics relevant to the session include: theoretical and experimental modal identification, operational modal analysis, linear and nonlinear system identification, statistical system identification methods (maximum-likelihood, Bayesian inference) for parameter and state estimation, model updating/validation and correlation, uncertainty quantification in model selection and parameter estimation, stochastic simulation techniques for state estimation and model class selection, structural health monitoring and fault detection techniques, optimal strategies for experimental design, optimal sensor and actuator location methods, structural prognosis techniques, updating response and reliability predictions using data. Papers dealing with experimental investigation and verification of theories are especially welcomed.
EMI-MS-02: Stability and failure of structures and materials
EMI Stability Committee
Jifeng Xu, Beijing Aeronautical Science & Technology Research Institute
Ahmer Wadee, Imperial College London
Yang Xiang, University of Western Sydney
This symposium supported by the ASCE EMI Stability Committee is to provide a forum to discuss recent advances and address the future prospects in the area of stability and failure mechanics of structural components, systems and materials. Following this symposium, a special issue “Stability of structures and materials” in the Journal of Engineering Mechanics will be organized, and the full papers for the special issue will be primarily solicited from the presentations being given in this symposium. Interested researchers are invited to submit abstracts on topics which include, but are not limited to:
· Stability of columns, beams, plates, shells and sandwich structures
· Stability of members made from metal and composite materials
· Post-buckling analysis: analytical and computational models and methods
· Dynamic stability problems
· Interactive buckling and non-local mechanics
· Failure mechanics of materials including cracks, delaminations and micro-buckling
· Buckling of micro/nano structures
· Orthotropic and anisotropic materials and related stability problems;
· Instabilities in layered and granular media including shear and kink band formation
· Experimental techniques and fixture design for structural and material stability tests.
EMI-MS-03: Robustness of Infrastructures (Progressive Collapse)
George Deodatis, Columbia University
Simos Gerasimidis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
On the forefront of structural engineering mechanics problems today lays the problem of robustness or progressive collapse. The aging of infrastructures and the very high multilevel consequences associated with the phenomenon have raised progressive collapse as one of the most important structural engineering mechanics problems. Progressive collapse can be initiated by numerous sources including construction or design flaws which surpass the common design base of current codes. Triggering events can be extreme events such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, abnormal loads not included in the design like gas explosions, vehicle impacts, fire or extreme environmental loads which push the structural system well beyond its strength envelope. In this framework, all infrastructure is vulnerable to progressive collapse at some level. This minisymposium will bring together the structural engineering industry with academia aiming to provide insights on the actual engineering mechanics of progressive collapse.
EMI-MS-04: Multiscale Behavior of Damage and Failure Mechanics
EMI Technical Committee on Nanomechanics and Micromechanics
Lizhi Sun, University of California, Irvine
J. Woody Ju, University of California, Los Angeles
George Z. Voyiadjis, Louisiana State University
Glaucio H. Paulino, Georgia Institute of Technology
Multiscale materials modeling and characterization has been recognized as one of the fundamental tools to study the local damage and failure behavior of heterogeneous structures at the microscale and overall constitutive relations. This mini-symposium is to provide a forum to discuss recent advances and address the future prospects in the area of multiscale modeling/characterization of damage and failure mechanics. Interested researchers are invited to submit one-page abstracts on topics which include, but are not limited to:
• Microstructural damage/failure characterization of heterogeneous materials;
• Micromechanical damage analysis of materials;
• Multiscale constitutive relations with damage parameters;
• Microstructure – property relations of advanced materials and composites;
• Nanomechanical characterization, analysis and modeling of damage and fracture mechanics;
• Experimental determination of damage and failure at multi-length scales;
• Probabilistic damage/failure mechanics and mechanisms;
• Experimental characterization and validation of damage and failure mechanics.
Presented technical papers are encouraged to submit to International Journal of Damage Mechanics for publication.
EMI-MS-05: Second Symposium on Molecular Scale Modeling and Experimentation
Dinesh Katti, North Dakota State University
Sinan Keten, Northwestern University
Nima Rahbar, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Rouzbeh Shahsavari, Rice University
Kalpana Katti, North Dakota State University
Steve Cranford, Northeastern University
The symposium will seek papers on topics pertaining to fundamental and applied research in the field of molecular scale modeling and experimentation and their applications to engineering mechanics and materials characterization. Of particular interest are models and/or experimental techniques that enable atomistic control or assessment of mechanistic behavior, or are based on novel mechanistic response. Some of the topics included in the symposium but not limited to are:
1. Atomistic molecular dynamics simulations to evaluate the mechanical behavior of materials,
2. Molecular simulations of transport phenomena including diffusion, electrical and thermal transport and coupled behavior,
3. Ab-initio and DFT computations for potential field development,
4. Techniques to bridge molecular scale responses to higher length and time scales,
5. Hybrid modeling approaches, combining atomistic representations with non-atomistic elements
6. Spectroscopy techniques to evaluate molecular scale interactions and conformations,
7. Single molecule force spectroscopy, incl. Atomic force microscopy, lateral force spectroscopy, etc.
EMI-MS-06: Experimental and Numerical Modeling of Material Degradation
Ravindra Duddu, Vanderbilt University
Kalyana Babu Nakshatrala, University of Houston
Gaurav Sant, University of California - Los Angeles
This symposium seeks to bring together researchers modeling the degradation of material and structures using experimental techniques and/or mathematical and numerical modeling. Degradation of materials in service is strongly affected by a number of environmental factors, which include temperature, moisture, exposure to reactive or inert chemical species, electrical and magnetic fields, and radiation. Examples of such degradation in service include corrosion, oxidation, delamination, carbonation and creep and fatigue damage. A challenging aspect is that the mechanisms of degradation span multiple spatial and temporal scales and involve multiple simultaneous physical phenomena. Therefore, this symposium invites abstract submissions on a wide range of topics including (but not limited to):
1. Novel experimental techniques for better understanding of various degradation mechanisms
2. Advanced mathematical models for describing material degradation in harsh environments, fatigue, corrosion fatigue, high temperature oxidation, the effect of material anisotropy and heterogeneity on degradation and fatigue
3. Multi-scale and multi-physics computational models and methods for simulating degradation initiation and propagation, including molecular dynamics, multi-field finite element formulations, bridging scale methods and homogenization strategies
4. Integrated experimental and computational modeling studies focusing on verification and validation and uncertainty quantification
EMI-MS-07: Blast and Ballistic Impact Resistance of Materials and Structures
P.K. Basu, Vanderbilt University
W.F. Heard, US-ERDC
Threat of blast and ballistic projectile impact in asymmetric warfare waged by anti-state elements against both civilian and military targets is a global issue. The effectiveness of various materials, systems and methods in mitigating such threats has become the focus of significant analytical, experimental and numerical investigation. In this context, this mini-symposium will be the forum for discussing the advancements in materials, components, and systems for effective blast and ballistic impact mitigation. In particular, focus will be on issues like response of systems to blast with short (or, even, zero) stand-off distance; strain-rate effects on material response and its characterization for modeling and simulation of an event; effect of buried land mines on armored vehicles; application of reinforced cementitious materials, coatings, and other materials as protective armor for structures; experimental studies on material characterization at high strain rates; studies on new functional materials for blast and impact resistance; uncertainty quantification in the modeling of such materials; etc. A number of sessions covering these topics are envisaged.
EMI-MS-08: Modeling time-dependent behavior and deterioration of concrete
Roman Wendner, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria
Mohammed Alnaggar, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Giovanni Di Luzio, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Gianluca Cusatis, Northwestern University
In recent years topics such as robustness, resilience, sustainability, life-cycle assessment have shifted into the focus of engineering societies. Many concepts have been developed. Yet, accurate and physically based prediction models and modeling concepts for the time dependent behavior and deterioration of concrete which are quintessential inputs are still scarce. This Mini Symposium will provide a forum for international experts and researchers to discuss recent developments in modeling time-dependent phenomena relevant to concrete structures. In particular, authors working on research related to creep and shrinkage, alkali-silica reaction, delayed ettringite formation, carbonization, freeze and thaw, corrosion, sulphate attack, and the age-dependent change of mechanical properties are encouraged to submit abstracts. Further topics of interest include coupled problems such as cracking damage and permeability, as well as transport processes in ageing and deteriorating concrete structures.
EMI-MS-09: Cementitious Materials: Experiments and Modeling Across the Scales
Properties of Materials Committee
Bernhard Pichler, Laboratory for Macroscopic Material Testing, Institute for Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Vienna University of Technology
Christian Hellmich, Vienna University of Technology
Günther Meschke, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany
Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot, University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour, France
Franz-Josef Ulm, MIT
The objective of this symposium is to discuss recent advances in experimental oriented research and in modeling of cementitious materials across the scales, ranging from atomistic via molecular, nano, micro, and meso up to the macro scale, including also related applications in the field of engineering mechanics. Analytical and computational models for cementitious materials as well as related experimental techniques, addressing various length and time scales and physical phenomena relevant for the behavior of cementitious materials subjected to different environmental and loading conditions are welcome. Innovative approaches suitable to increase insight into complex phenomena as well as predictive models increasing safety, durability, and sustainability in practical applications are especially encouraged.
EMI-MS-10: Modeling and Characterization of Quasibrittle Fracture
Jia-Liang Le, University of Minnesota
Qiang Yu, University of Pittsburgh
Sze Dai Pang, National University of Singapore
Many modern engineering structures are composed of brittle heterogenous materials, which are often described as “quasibrittle”. These materials include concrete, composites, tough ceramics, rocks, asphalt binders and mixtures (at low temperatures), and many brittle materials at the micro-scale. Fundamental understanding of fracture and failure of these materials is of paramount importance for improving the resilience and sustainability of various engineering structures including civil infrastructure, aircraft, ships, military armors, biomedical implants, and MEMS devices. This MS is intended to provide a forum for researchers to discuss the recent advances in modeling and characterization of quasibrittle fracture at different length and time scales. Research topics related to micromechanics-based modeling of softening damage, probabilistic modeling, nonlocal and gradient modeling, high strain-rate behavior, cyclic damage, and advanced multiscale and multiphysics computational modeling are welcome. Contributions on novel instrumentation techniques to experimentally characterize quasibrittle fracture process are also strongly encouraged.
EMI-MS-11: Multiscale Mechanics of Bio-Inspired and Biological Materials
EMI Biomechanics and Nanomechncis and Micromechanics Committee
Nima Rahbar, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Steven Cranford, Northeastern University
Biological systems exhibit features ranging from nano to macroscale in a hierarchical fashion, which call for multi-scale modeling and experimental techniques that need to overcome long-standing challenges in accurately capturing the physical, chemical and structural complexities transcending length and time-scales. This symposium attempts to provide a forum that brings together mechanicians, experimentalists and materials researchers who investigate the mechanical behavior of biological materials with the aim to understand the novel mechanics of biosystems and stipulate designs toward effective biomimicry and bioinspiration. The role of molecular and atomic scale behavior and interactions in the biosystems will be discussed in the context of mechanical response of the biological or bio-inspired materials.
Experimental methods such as atomic force microscopy (AFM) and Bio-MEMS for characterization of biomechanical properties of cells, tissues, biomaterials and bio-inspired materials, microfluidic applications in medicine and biology and similar methods are of interest. Computational methods related to characterization and prediction of properties of these materials, in particular multi-scale methods are of great interest.
Contributed papers and posters are solicited in the following areas:
• Multiscale modeling of biological nanocomposites
• Novel characterization of mechanical response from nano to macro scale for biological materials through experiments
• Molecular mechanics of proteins and protein-protein interactions
• Time evolution of mechanical behavior of tissue engineered systems
• Molecular and genetic origins of mechanical behavior of biological systems
EMI-MS-12: 15th Symposium on Biological and Biologically Inspired Materials and Structures
Biomechanics Committee
Properties of Materials Committee
Poromechanics Committee
Dinesh R. Katti, North Dakota State University / Institute for Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Christian Hellmich, Institute for Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Claire Morin, Center for Biomedical and Healthcare Engineering, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne, France
Stefan Scheiner, Institute for Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Vienna University of Technology
The symposium is to bring together researchers working on various aspects of mechanics, micro and nanostructure, and synthesis and processing of materials and structures inspired by biology including but not limited to following themes:
1. Modeling and simulation of mechanical properties of biological materials,
2. Materials design, synthesis and processing based on biological materials,
3. Scale transition methods for bio-inspired or biological materials,
4. Nano and micro scale characterization of interfaces in biological and bio- inspired materials,
5. Experimental investigation of bio-inspired or biological materials,
6. Poromechanical problems in bio-inspired or biological materials,
7. Constructs for tissue engineering
8. Biomechanics
EMI-MS-13: Computational Solids and Structural Mechanics: Theoretical and Numerical Applications
EMI Modeling Inelasticity and Multiscale Behavior Committee
Farid Abed, American University of Sharjah, UAE
George Voyiadjis, Louisiana State University, USA
Alexis Rusinek, University of Lorraine, France
The aim of this MS is to bring together researchers from the various fields of constitutive modeling and material characterization and to cover essentially all aspects of material modeling under complex loadings and over a wide range of temperatures and strain rates. The session will cover both theoretical and numerical modelling of the mechanical behavior of materials and structures under dynamic loading. We particularly invite contributions concerned with (but not limited to) recent development in constitutive relations and modelling, numerical simulations, perforation and impact, crashworthiness, friction and contact, shock and blast loading, and experiments and inverse methods.
EMI-MS-14: Advances in Experimental, Theoretical and Computational Fracture Mechanics
EMI Modeling Inelasticity and Multiscale Behavior Committee
Ange-Therese Akono, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Haim Waisman, Columbia University
Huiming Yin, Columbia University
Roberto Ballarini, University of Houston
Christian Linder, Stanford University
The goal of this symposium is to discuss recent advances in the field of fracture mechanics including experiments, analytical models and numerical simulations. We are broadly interested in all aspects of fracture mechanics, e.g. linear elastic fracture mechanics, elastic-plastic fracture mechanics, dynamic, rate-dependent and time-dependent fracture as well as fatigue. In particular, we encourage contributions that seek to:
(i) develop novel computational techniques for modeling cracks (e.g. XFEM/GFEM, meshless methods, discrete elements, cohesive elements, peridynamics, phase field, damage models, multiscale fracture models and others),
(ii) develop novel experimental and testing methods for fracture (e.g. characterization of fracture energy, dynamic fracture and fracture under extreme environmental condition, novel imaging techniques, innovative controlled experiments, micro-mechanisms of fracture in composites materials, etc.),
(iii) develop new theoretical models in fracture mechanics (e.g. analytical solutions of fracture problems, constitutive and damage laws, novel analysis techniques, uncertainty quantification and stability analysis of fracture, etc.).
EMI-MS-15: Computational Methods and Applications for Solid and Structural Mechanics
EMI Computational Mechanics Committee
Timothy Truster, University of Tennessee
Armando Duarte, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Caglar Oskay, Vanderbilt University
Ertugrul Taciroglu, University of California - Los Angeles
Haim Waisman, Columbia University
The aim of this minisymposium is to provide a forum for discussing the novel computational methods and applications that pertain to solid and structural mechanics problems. This minisymposium seeks to bring together students, academicians and professionals working on computational solid and structural mechanics.
In particular, contributions on the following topics are of significant interest:
- Novel discretization techniques and computational methods for contact, fracture, interface modeling and other important engineering problems.
- Multiscale modeling and methods for heterogeneous materials including composites, concrete, wood, and others.
- Multiscale modeling and methods for structural mechanics problems.
- Computational methods for time dependent structural and material response (collapse, creep, fatigue, etc.).
- Modeling of multiphysics phenomena (e.g., coupling of mechanics with electromagnetic, chemical, or transport effects).
- Solution techniques, error estimation, algorithmic analysis and convergence studies in computational mechanics
EMI-MS-16: Multiphysics and Multiscale Modeling of Engineering Materials
EMI Modeling Inelasticity and Multiscale Behavior Committee
Dr. Chung R. Song, University of Nebraska
Dr. Yong-Rak Kim, University of Nebraska
Dr. Ahmed Al-Ostaz, University of Mississippi
The modern techniques to analyze the behavior of materials are well developed for scientists to attempt to build a colony in outer space. It is, however, true that there are many things in which scientists still do not have very good idea how to analyze it. Multiphysics and Multiscale modeling disciplines are some of these area.
Properly executed Multiphysics and Multiscale modeling techniques may provide solutions which were never possible in the past, in many cases, with very reasonable computational cost. An example of Multiphysics includes the coupled analysis of Kinetic-Hydraulic-Thermal analysis of an earthen dam, so that the structural condition of the dam is obtained from the temperature data of the dam. An example of Multiscale Modeling includes the incorporation of Nanomechanics, Micromechanics and Macromechanics to obtain the detailed behavior of real world materials reliably and very cost effectively.
Presentations are invited on topics related to novel approaches of Multiphysics and/or Multiscale materials with emphasis on application of engineering materials. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• Coupled mechanics simulation of engineering materials and structures.
• Multiphysics modeling of engineering materials, structures and phenomena.
• Multiscale modeling and simulations of nano structured materials.
• Atomistic / continuum coupling.
• Advanced Nanocomposite Systems
• Quasi continuum and equivalent continuum approaches
• Nano mechanics of clay and graphite platelet composites.
• Bond breaking and damage nucleation in nano materials.
• Effect of impurities on mechanical properties of CNT composites
EMI-MS-17: Modeling the Mechanics of Material Surfaces and Interfaces
Chandrasekhar Annavarapu, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Timothy Truster, University of Tennessee
Ravindra Duddu, Vanderbilt University
The intent of this symposium is to bring together researchers investigating the mechanics and physics of interfaces, including free boundaries or surfaces. Interfaces are a critical physical feature of many natural and engineered systems. The computational modeling of such systems is complicated by evolving discontinuities, capturing local spatial and temporal scales that can be orders of magnitude below the system scales, as well as the formation and/or interaction of free surfaces. Problem classes include, but not limited to, contact and friction between deformable bodies, delamination or fracture in materials, localization or boundary layer tracking, fluid-structure interaction, and growth instabilities in biological/material systems. Computational techniques that address stability issues in interface methods and imposition of interface conditions, such as, mortar finite element methods, discontinuous Galerkin methods, extended/generalized finite element methods (XFEM/GFEM), Nitsche methods, mixed interpolation methods, and embedded mesh methods are welcome. Submissions that relate to either the development of such methods or their application to engineering problems are encouraged.
EMI-MS-18: High-Performance Infrastructure through Nano- and Microstructured Materials
Marcus Rutner, Stevens Institute of Technology
This mini-symposium provides a platform for knowledge dissemination and exchange of innovative ideas concerning the latest developments in the field of nano- and microstructured materials contributing to form the next generation of materials superseding conventional materials. Computational modeling and experimental test methods providing new insights into e.g. the thermal, mechanical, electrical properties of different phases of nano- and microstructured materials and findings on how composition and microstructure affect bulk material behavior are expected contents of this mini-symposium. New findings in processing, testing, measuring and installation of nano- and microstructured materials are of interest. The design of many nano- and microstructured materials is based on empirical approaches and the fundamental materials physics is still unknown. Contributions which shed light on the fundamental physics of nano- and microstructured materials are of particular interest since these insights will enable physics-based design capability advancing the material performance. This mini-symposium is inviting contributions exploring the properties of technologically-important materials which are strongly controlled by their internal nano- and microstructure. Examples are deformation of nano- and micro-grained structural materials and composites, rheology of complex fluids, electrochemical performance of fuel cell and battery components, next generation energy sources, regenerative synthetic tissues, etc. This mini-symposium welcomes contributions across industries which involve computational and/or experimental studies of the nano- and microstructure of materials affecting the macroscale performance.
EMI-MS-19: Computational Geomechanics
Steve WaiChing Sun, Columbia University
Qiushi Chen, Clemson
Xiayu Song, University of Florida
Joshua White, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Richard Regueiro, University of Colorado, Boulder
Jose Andrade, California Institute of Technology
Majid Manzari, George Washington University
Ronaldo Borja, Stanford University
Geomaterials, such as soil, rock and concrete, are multiphase porous materials whose macroscopic mechanical behavior is governed by grain size distribution and mineralogy, fluid-saturation, pore space, temperature, loading paths and rate, drainage conditions, chemical reactions, and other factors. As a result, predicting the mechanical response of geomaterials often requires knowledge on how several processes, which often take place in different spatial and temporal domains, interact with each other across length scales.
This mini-symposium is intended to provide a forum for researchers to present contributions on recent advances in Computational Geomechanics. Topics within the scope of interests include, but are not limited to, the following: (1) development and validation of constitutive models that address multi-physical coupling effects, (2) discrete and continuum formulations for geomechanics problems, (3) iterative sequential couplings of fluid and solid solvers, (4) uncertainty quantification for geomechanics problems, (5) multiscale mechanics, (6) modeling of weak and strong discontinuities, (7) regularization techniques to circumvent pathological mesh dependence, and (8) techniques to model crack growth and fragmentation processes in geomaterials.
EMI-MS-20: Computational Geomechanics for Subsurface Energy Resources Exploitation
Poromechanics Committee
Shunde Yin, University of Wyoming
Patrick Selvadurai, McGill University
Drilling, injection and/or production are major activities in exploitation of subsurface energy resources. Mechanical behavior of involved geomaterials (rock, shale, soil) and their fracture is the key to assessing the efficacy and environmental concerns associated with these activities. Understanding the mechanical behaviors of geomaterials and their fracture requires knowledge of their interaction with heat transfer, fluid flow, and sometimes chemical and biological reactions. Computational geomechanics provides powerful tools to investigate geomaterials and their fracture behavior in these activities.
This mini-symposium will discuss both fundamentals and applications of computational geomechanics involved in these activities. Abstracts on or related to these topics are all welcome.
EMI-MS-21: Fluid-dependent mechanics of porous materials: a focus on the nanoscale
Poromechanics Committee
Properties of Materials Committee
Enrico Masoero, Newcastle University
Matthieu Vandamme, Laboratoire Navier, France
Mathieu Bauchy, University of California
Benoit Coasne, Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique, France
Sinan Keten, Northwestern University
Claire White, Princeton University
MJ Abdolhosseini Qomi, University of California - Irvine
The mechanics of engineering materials often depends on nanoscale interactions between solid skeleton and pore fluid. The magnitude of the interactions becomes very large in mesopores and micropores, where the fluid is highly confined and cannot be considered as bulk. This miniMsymposium aims to address the molecular details of fluid structure and fluidMsolid interaction, and how to incorporate the nanoscale action of fluid (e.g. disjoining pressure) into the current understanding of the mechanics of engineering materials. Contributions will be welcome from a wide spectrum of fluidMmaterial systems and associated phenomena, e.g. waterMdependent moduli of elasticity, creep, and toughness of concrete, clay, wood, and alkaliMactivated cements; organic-inorganic interactions in gas shale; swelling/shrinkage of coal and soils during carbon sequestration. Both theoretical and experimental contributions are welcome, with a combination of both being ideal. Contributions on macroscale modelling, such as poromechanics and homogenization theory, are also appropriate, as long as the focus is on scalingMup the action of fluids in micropores and mesopores.
EMI-MS-22: Granular Materials: Deformation, Flow, Phase Transitions, and Multi-scale Modeling
Anthony Rosato, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Guiseppe Buscarnera, Northwestern University
Matthew R. Kuhn, University of Portland
Mourad Zeghal, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Jean-Noel Roux, Laboratoire Navier, Université Paris-Est, France
Nearly every product or commodity in use is constituted and/or derived from granular materials through mining, agriculture, and/or chemical processing. Granular materials are also central to geomechanics and the design of foundations and earthworks. As ubiquitous constituents of industrial processes and geophysical phenomena, these materials exhibit behaviors ranging from rapid, collision-dominated flows to quasi-static deformations. Granular systems also share common properties over a wide range of particle sizes, from rockfills to fine powders, and for colloidal multi-phase materials. As such, suitable attention should also be paid to grain shape and cohesive forces.
This symposium encourages fundamental contributions on: (i) the complex behavior of granular materials at extended scales of density, grain size, and deformation rate; (ii) the transition of granular systems from a solid to fluid-like state; (iii) fundamental mechanical interactions between particles that control such transitions; (iv) dynamical systems and multi-scale modeling of flow; and (v) the interface between granular materials and colloidal systems. The symposium will address granular media from micro- to the macro-scales, including granular modeling, discrete micro-mechanics, and the micro-macro transition. Contributions on the various aspects of this topic are welcome, including experimental, analytical, computational and theoretical studies.
EMI-MS-23: Pavement Mechanics and Materials
Committee of Pavement Mechanics
Zhanping You, Michigan Technological University
Yong-Rak Kim, University of Nebraska
Linbing Wang, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and Statue University
The objective of this symposium is to collect and disseminate state-of-the-art and new, emerging techniques and developments on pavement mechanics including characterization, modeling and simulation of pavements and pavement materials. We anticipate four to five sessions of presentations.
Topics of interest include, but not limited to:
Discrete and finite element modeling of the response of pavement materials,
Performance models of flexible and rigid pavements,
Modeling of vehicle-pavement interactions,
Constitutive modeling and experimental characterization of pavement materials (asphalt binder, aggregates, asphalt mixes, cementitious materials and Portland cement concrete, unstabilized and stabilized bases, and subgrade soils),
Numerical response analysis of pavements under static and dynamic wheel loading and
climatic conditions,
Experimental measurements and modeling of permanent deformation, fatigue cracking, low temperature cracking and moisture damage in pavement layers,
Microstructure characterization and micromechanics of asphalt concrete and cementitious materials and Portland cement concrete,
Artificial intelligence techniques and application for forward and backcalculation analyses of pavements.
EMI-MS-24: Advanced Analysis for Earthquake Engineering
Dynamics Committee
Steven McCabe, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
Ting Lin, Marquette University, USA
Kevin Wong, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
The objective of this mini-symposium is to bring together researchers and engineers working in areas of advanced analysis, modeling, and simulation of structures to determine their responses for earthquake risk reduction. Topics of advanced analysis for earthquake engineering cover a wide range of special areas and interests, including but not limited to engineering and computational mechanics, ground motion and modeling uncertainties, reliability of response estimations, simulation of collapse, structural control techniques, and engineering utilization of simulated ground motions. Of particular interests are measurement science issues related to analytical techniques, structural dynamics, damping, stability, nonlinear material component modeling, and computational challenges. Solutions to special earthquake engineering problems encountered in research and industry making use of cutting edge engineering mechanics approaches are also very much welcomed.
EMI-MS-25: Advances in Base Isolation
Dimitrios Konstantinidis, McMaster University
Nicos Makris, University of Central Florida
Base isolation is an established earthquake-resistant design approach that has been used in more than 6,000 buildings around the world. Unlike conventional earthquake resistant design approaches that aim at increasing the capacity of the structure, base isolation aims at reducing the demand. This is achieved by decoupling the structure from the ground motion by placing horizontally flexible bearings between the building and its foundation. In recent years, significant advances have been made in base isolation technology, modeling and applications, including elastomeric isolators with adaptive compounds, multi-surface sliding bearings, isolation of individual components and floors, mid-story isolation, isolation for tall buildings, isolation systems for nuclear industry applications, etc. This mini symposium will focus on recent developments in base isolation, aimed at protecting both buildings and their nonstructural components.
EMI-MS-26: Recent Advances in Rocking Isolation
Nicos Makris, University of Central Florida
Dimitrios Konstantinidis, McMaster University
The uplifting and rocking of slender, free-standing and weakly restrained structures when subjected to ground shaking may limit appreciably the seismic moments and shears that develop at their base. In view of the need to minimize seismic stresses, permanent displacements, damage and cost, rocking isolation is receiving increasing attention as an alternative seismic protection strategy. This mini-symposium aims to attract recent contributions on the dynamic response of articulated/rocking structures in an effort to bring forward the major advances together with the unique advantages of rocking isolation.
EMI-MS-27: Advances and Applications of Elasticity within Applied Mechanics
Elasticity Committee
Euclides Mesquita, University of Campinas – Unicamp, Brazil
Sonia Mogilevskaya, University of Minnesota
John Brigham, University of Pittsburgh
The theory of Elasticity has become an important framework and a building block component in many developing fields of rational and applied mechanics. Fundamental concepts of Elasticity are in the base formulations of many presently growing areas of fundamental and applied mechanics. Examples can be found in Biomechanics, in Non-linear Wave Propagation, in Poroelasticiy, in the Modelling of Complex Materials, in the development of Green’s functions for Piezo-elastic and Piezo-electric and magnetic media and also in the foundation of Applied Numerical Methods. The aim of the present Mini Symposium, organized by the ASCE EMI Elasticity Committee is to report recent advances in the areas in which the concepts of the Theory of Elasticity play a major role. Applications in Numerical Methods, Modelling of Materials, Wave propagation phenomena, among others, are within the scope of the Symposium.
EMI-MS-28: Fluid Dynamics in Natural Hazards
Fluid Dynamics Committee
Aly Mousaad Aly, Louisiana State University
Elena Dragomirescu, University of Ottawa
In this mini-symposium, we solicit presenting research results focused on recent advances in the area of Fluid Dynamics in Natural Hazards. Experimental, computational, multi-scale, and multiphysics investigations for problems in wind engineering of structures are welcomed. The topics for presentations may include wind engineering for civil engineering applications, windstorm, wave, and rain impact on the built environment, atmospheric boundary layer processes, boundary layer wind tunnel testing, synoptic and non-synoptic wind processes, testing protocols, and computational wind engineering. The purpose of this meeting is to expand collaboration among scientists, academicians, and practitioners in the area of Fluid Dynamics in Natural Hazards.
EMI-MS-29: Modeling and Mitigation of Coastal Hazards
Fluid Dynamics Committee
Qin Chen, Louisiana State University
James Kaihatu, Texas A&M University
Climate change and sea level rise pose a major threat to coastal habitats and communities worldwide. The impact of sea level rise has resulted in increased coastal erosion and flooding. Highly populated coastal regions are particularly vulnerable to inundation caused by geo-hazards (earthquakes and landslides) and atmosphericoceanic hazards (tropical cyclones and extra-tropical storms). The objective of this minisymposium is to bring together researchers, modelers and practitioners in the area of coastal hazard modeling and mitigation to highlight latest advances, exchange new research ideas, and discuss areas of future development and collaboration.
EMI-MS-30: Computational Methods and Applications for Fluid-Structure Interactions
Fluid Dynamics Committee
Ning Zhang, McNeese State University
Shaolin Mao, University of Texas at El Paso
The purpose of the mini symposium is to seek recent research contributions in the areas of fluid-structure interactions (FSI) for incompressible and compressible fluid flows. The mini symposium highlights industrial applications and numerical method developments in the targeted areas. Numerical, experimental and theoretical investigations for problems in civil, environmental, mechanical, and other engineering disciplines are welcomed. Authors are invited to submit abstracts and participate in this mini symposium to expand international cooperation, understanding and promotion of efforts in the areas of this mini symposium on Computational Methods and Applications for Fluid-Structure Interactions.
EMI-MS-31: High-performance computing (HPC) applications in riverine, coastal, and ocean engineering
Fluid Dynamics Committee
Celalettin Emre Ozdemir, Louisiana State University
The rapid advances in computational technology have made it possible for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to model and simulate the disparate scales from millimeters to decades of kilometers in riverine, coastal, and ocean engineering problems by using high-performance computing. The applications include mixing and transport of particulates: contaminants, nutrients, and sediments in addition to complex hydrodynamics involved in rivers, coasts, and ocean. In an effort to build resilient coastlines and infrastructures, such applications would be important to predict and characterize the physical processes involved. The objective of this mini-symposium is to bring together researchers, modelers and practitioners in the area of computational modeling to highlight latest advances and applications, exchange new research ideas, and discuss the future trends in research and collaboration.
EMI-MS-32: Topology Optimization; Algorithms and Applications
Computational Mechanics Committee
Probabilistic Mechanics Committee
Mazdak Tootkaboni, University of Massachusetts - Darmouth
Mehdi Jalalpour, Cleveland State University
James K. Guest, Johns Hopkins University
This special session of the EMI 2016 Conference will bring together researchers to discuss the latest advancements in topology optimization. Topology optimization is increasingly being applied to complex engineering problems in solid and structural mechanics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, electro-magnetics and many challenging multi-physics problems. Contributions discussing general advancements in topology optimization algorithms, as well as novel applications in design of high performance structures and material microarchitectures, devices and mechanisms are invited. Contributions focusing on topology optimization under uncertainty and its associated theoretical and computational challenges, and topology optimization for additive manufacturing are especially welcome. This MS is sponsored by the EMI Computational Mechanics and Probabilistic Mechanics Committees.
EMI-MS-33: Cyber Physical Infrastructure
Mourad Zeghal, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Caglar Oskay, Vanderbilt University
Tarek Abdoun, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Raimondo Betti, Columbia University
The national infrastructure is aging and its health is deteriorating. The ASCE's 2013 Report Card of America’s Infrastructure condition assigns a C+ grade for bridges, a D grade for roads and dams, and a D- grade for levees (in which C is mediocre and D is Poor). The failure of an infrastructure (such as the levees in New Orleans) due to a natural or man-made hazard can have monumental repercussions, sometimes with dramatic and unanticipated consequences on human life, property and economy. Cyber-physical infrastructures are a new class of sensor-rich systems aimed at an efficient damage detection and localization, health evaluation, and complete management of theses infrastructures. The goal of this mini-symposium is to provide a forum to discuss recent developments in cyber-physical infrastructures including instrumented systems, embedding sensing, large scale monitoring (e.g., of a regional network of levees in New Orleans), computing and decision technologies (e.g., identification and hazard mitigation measures), and smart infrastructure systems in general. Contributions on the various aspects of these topics are welcome.
EMI-MS-34: Infrastructure system integrity through next-generation automated sensing, damage diagnosis and prognosis
Marcus Rutner, Stevens Institute of Technology
Infrastructure systems built out of conventional or new materials undergo aging and deterioration. Continuous information on the condition, the performance level, and the remaining service life of the infrastructure system is required to ensure system safety and is of economic value since maintenance costs increase non-proportionally the longer the defect stays undetected. Most defects are on the micro-length scale when becoming critical, hence are difficult to detect per visual inspection or with conventional sensing technology. This mini-symposium is inviting innovative sensing technologies which enable defect detection and characterization of micro-size defects at an early stage through real-time automated sensing. Further, the mini-symposium provides a platform for time-efficient and reliable damage prognosis working with the sensed data. The proof of conceptual ideas, computational approaches, and particularly laboratory test and field test results of new sensing, damage diagnosis and prognosis methodologies are of interest. The mini-symposium invites contributions from all industries and is expected to raise interest among attendees from academia, government agencies and industry.
EMI-MS-35: Mechanobiology of Soft and Hard Tissues
Properties of Materials, Biomechanics Committee
Claire Morin, Center for Biomedical and Healthcare Engineering, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne, France
Stefan Scheiner, Institute for Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Vienna University of Technology
Biological tissues are usually divided into soft (unmineralized) tissues, such as cartilage or blood vessels, and hard (mineralized) tissues, such as bone. The development of their structure and composition is driven by cellular activities, which in turn are modulated through biochemical and biomechanical stimuli. Considering that several of the underlying processes exhibit significant similarities between soft and hard tissues, the goal of this mini-symposium is the cross-fertilization of the usually separated scientific communities studying these processes either on soft or hard tissues. Contributions dealing with theoretical, computational, as well as experimental research on the mechanobiology of soft and hard tissues are welcome, including (but not limited to) cellular sensing/transduction of mechanical loading; soft and hard tissue remodeling, emphasizing on regulatory mechanisms, and related diseases; tissue mineralization/calcification, and related diseases; and multiscale modeling strategies.
EMI-MS-36: Analytical and experimental investigations on resilient critical infrastructure under multiple hazards
Experimental Analysis and Instrumentation Committee
Suren Chen, Colorado Statue University
Asad Esmaeily, Kansas State University
Yunping Xi, University of Colorado, Boulder
This mini-symposium will be series of presentations that focus on state of the art experimental, numerical and analytical studies on the impact of various hazards on the resilience of critical civil infrastructure system. Papers are solicited on topics covering from advanced analytical, experimental and approaches to better assess and mitigate hazards and risks toward decision making to improve infrastructure resilience. These topics include, but are not limited to: new techniques of simulation, testing and system identification methods for assessing loads on and responses of structures including buildings, bridges, transportation system and other infrastructure/lifeline elements; new testing approaches related to tornadoes, hurricanes, thunderstorms/downbursts, earthquakes and other hazards; experiments and simulations to determine performance of sustainable building and transportation systems; wind energy related experiments and simulations including study of wind loading on renewable energy devices and wind turbines.
EMI-MS-37: Computational Modeling in Civil Engineering
Pedro Arduino, University of Washington, Seattle
Andre Barbosa, Oregon State University
Joel Conte, University of California, San Diego
Payman Khalili-Tehrani, SC Solutions Inc.
Ertugrul Taciroglu, University of California, Los Angeles
Farzin Zareian, University of California, Irvine
Performance-based design and assessment approaches are taking root in civil engineering, and are poised to replace the existing prescriptive methods. These advances have provided the impetus for the development, as well as more routine use, of high-fidelity computational simulation tools in all areas of civil engineering. Moreover, even in physical testing, high-fidelity simulations are increasingly being used to complement and enhance experiments, leading to novel hybrid testing protocols.
In this minisymposium, we aim to bring together researchers who develop or utilize advanced computational methods for analysis or design of civil structures (bridges, buildings, dams, tunnels, etc.). Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Performance- or reliability-based methods of design or analysis
- Methods for analysis of coupled problems in civil engineering, such as soil-structure, and fluid-structure interaction problems
- Optimal design of structures
- Development and application of algorithms or tools for massive computational simulations in civil engineering applications
- Advanced methods for numerical simulation of various types of structures (wood, masonry, reinforced-concrete, steel, etc.) under extreme loads (seismic, impact, blast, wind)
- Reduced-order modeling in civil engineering applications (including the development of macro-elements)
- Development and validation of novel constitutive models for civil engineering materials
- Linear and nonlinear finite element model updating
EMI-MS-38: Quantitative Engineering Sustainability: Model development and Data Analytics
Arghavan Louhghalam, MIT
Franz-Josef Ulm, MIT
Roger Ghanem, USC
Marta Gonzalez, MIT
Ram Rajagopal, Stanford University
Sustainable development of our nations infrastructure requires quantitative tools for assessing the environmental footprint. Development of quantitative frameworks for sustainable design and maintenance processes requires modeling of infrastructures as complex systems. This mini symposium is intended to provide a forum for researchers in the field of quantitative engineering sustainability to discuss state-of-the-art techniques and models developed for assessing the sustainability performance of engineering infrastructures. Latest contributions on developing mechanics- and physics-based models for assessing energy use in cities and transportation systems, incorporation of uncertainty in parameters affecting environmental footprint of engineering structures are invited. Application of big data analytics in building predictive models and employing novel sustainable design tools in maintenance and design practices are also strongly encouraged.
EMI-MS-39: Modeling of grain boundaries and grain boundary-driven mechanics
Brandon Runnels, University of Colorado - Colorado Springs
Irene Beyerlein, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Grain boundaries are a unique type of defect that act as dominant mechanism in mesoscale mechanics including (but not limited to) grain growth, microstructural evolution, plasticity, and phase transformation. Applications for which grain boundary modeling is relevant include additive manufacturing, engineering materials for fracture toughness under shock loading, manufacture of composites, and micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS). Consequently it is of great interest and application to account for and accurately model grain boundaries in the context of mechanics. This minisymposium invites abstract submissions on grain boundary-related topics with the following categorizations:
1. Modeling grain boundary anisotropy of energy and mobility in metals and ceramics
2. Computational modeling of grain boundaries in microstructure (using, e.g., atomistic, dislocation dynamics, or phase field methods)
3. Integration of grain boundary anisotropy on other mechanical models (e.g. crystal plasticity, phase transformation)
4. Grain boundary engineering
The focus of this minisymposium is on computational and theoretical methods, but experimental studies with results relevant to modeling efforts are also welcomed.
EMI-MS-40: Advanced numerical methods in computational biomechanics
Ming-Chen Hsu, Iowa State University, USA
Martin Ruess, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Dominik Schillinger, University of Minnesota, USA
Computational biomechanics has become a valued component for patient-specific diagnosis and management of physiological and pathological conditions in the human body. Tackling the immanent complexity of physiological processes and medical imaging data requires crossdisciplinary thinking, sophisticated modeling and advanced numerical methods. The consideration of continuum, solid and fluid mechanics aspects and their interaction across various scales call for innovative simulation tools that go beyond established standard numerical analysis paradigms.
This mini-symposium aims at bringing together researchers from across the computational biomechanics community to discuss and exchange latest achievements in the development of innovative numerical methods applied to biomechanics problems. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, novel numerical methods and concepts for biomechanics problems, algorithmic and implementation aspects in biomechanics simulations, frameworks for patient specific simulation and computational steering, decision support systems for preoperative planning and optimization, integration of simulation workflows with diagnostic imaging technologies, and model verification and validation.
EMI-MS-41: Inverse problems for tomographic imaging and remote sensing applications in engineering
Fabio Semperlotti, Purdue University
During the last two decades, the interest of the scientific community in the development and implementation of tomographic technologies have undergone a drastic growth. Owing to its intrinsic potential and to the growing need for non-destructive techniques in many fields of science and engineering, tomographic technology has quickly spread to a variety of disciplines including, but not limited to, biomedics, geophysics, oceanography, structural health monitoring, and non-destructive evaluation of materials.
The sudden extension of these technologies to the engineering community at large has not been followed yet by dedicated technical symposia and opportunities for interactions between different disciplines.
Considering the already existing strong technical content in inverse problems, structural identification, and data processing, EMI would be an excellent venue to host a mini-symposium dedicated to cutting edge technologies and applications of tomography and remote imaging in engineering. This symposium will provide an ideal environment for cross-pollination of ideas and exchange of theoretical/numerical/experimental methodologies for tomographic and inverse problems between the most diverse fields of engineering.
EMI-MS-42: Additive Manufacturing and Advanced Modeling as Tools for Engineering Materials and Interfaces
Florence Sanchez, Vanderbilt University
Joe Biernacki, Tennessee Technological University
Jan Olek, Purdue University
Pablo Zavattieri, Purdue University
Additive manufacturing, also known as 3‐D printing, is a rapidly expanding industry that has gained much interest in recent years. This manufacturing technique provides unprecedented design flexibility and is much more efficient than traditional casting or subtractive manufacturing techniques. Though its current use has been mainly limited to the fabrication of monolithic objects with complex shape and geometry, additive manufacturing is opening the door for the creation of novel composite materials by precisely controlling and forming the internal structure and chemistry of the composite material through the addition of ultra‐thin layers of different constituents. This mini‐symposium is to provide a forum for researchers to discuss the use of 3D printing and computational modeling as tools for the invention of novel materials and interfaces with built‐in multifunctional responses. Material systems of interest include polymeric, biological, biomimetic, cement‐based, and metallic materials.
Papers are solicited in the following areas including, but not limited to:
‐ Coupled additive manufacturing, mechanics and materials design
‐ Combined 3D printing and multi‐scale modeling
‐ Microstructure/3D printing relationships
‐ Modeling as tool for engineering and predicting the material properties
‐ Integrated fundamental materials data and modeling
EMI-MS-43: Recent Advances in Real-time Hybrid Simulation
Structural Control and Health Monitoring Committee
Wei Song, University of Alabama
Richard Christenson, University of Connecticut
Real-time hybrid simulation (RTHS) is a novel, powerful and cost-effective experimental technique for examining the global behavior of complex, large-scale structural systems under realistic dynamic loading conditions. This technique is developed by coupling both physical and simulated components, and applying advanced algorithms to interface these two components to provide real-time loading rate as the experiment progresses. Recent advances in RTHS are offering better understanding to the fundamental issues in RTHS, and enabling more efficient and cost-effective solutions to the investigation of global structural system behavior under realistic conditions. The goal of this mini symposium is to provide a forum for RTHS researchers to exchange information, disseminate recent findings, and identify future key focus areas in RTHS. This symposium invites papers related to the following aspects of RTHS: numerical integration, actuator control, noise treatment, assessment criteria, stability analysis, innovative hybrid simulation framework, recent RTHS implementations and applications.
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