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Strategic Initiatives Retreat

Posted by on Monday, April 17, 2017 in News Blurbs.

Dear Dean of Students Staff,

Please save the date for an all-staff Strategic Initiatives Retreat on Monday, May 8, at 9 a.m. in the Student Life Center Commodore Ballroom.  A light breakfast will be served at 8:30 a.m.

The goal of this retreat is to discuss our five institutional strategic priorities (listed below).  In addition to discussing these priorities, this retreat will allow each office to begin the process of developing 2017/2018 departmental goals (some of which will align with our institutional priorities) and creating an assessment plan.

Because this retreat is only scheduled for three hours, the goal is to provide space and time to begin planning goals and associated assessments, but a final product is not expected at the retreat’s end.  Departments will turn in a final product on July 1.  In mid-July we will hold an informal open house where offices can display their goals and plans for the 2017/2018 year.  More details are forthcoming.

Finally, the assessment workshops originally scheduled for the spring semester (by Assessment and Special Projects) will now occur after our retreat as an opportunity for staff members to learn additional assessment best practices that may help them execute their goals for the 2017/2018 year.

In the next few weeks, please start brainstorming goals for the 2017/2018 year to fine tune during the retreat.  I am looking forward to seeing and hearing from you at our retreat.

Best regards,

Mark Bandas

Associate Provost and Dean of Students

Strategic Priorities

1. Execute the goals of the Academic Strategic Plan, specifically:

  1. Support Immersion Vanderbilt and co-curricular learning opportunities.
  2. Engage with faculty members through collaborations, partnerships, etc.
  3. Enrich the residential education experience through a focus on the College Halls system.

2. Focus on equity, diversity, and inclusion, specifically implementing the recommendations contained in the Chancellor’s Committee on Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Report.

3. Promote Mental Health and Wellbeing through current initiatives and future recommendations of the Chancellor’s committee.

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