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Supporting Your Research

Advertise and promote your data science research opportunities to Vanderbilt students.

The DSI is launching a new effort to advertise and promote research opportunities in data science to undergraduates and graduate students at Vanderbilt. These could be research experiences, where a Vanderbilt undergraduate or graduate student works as part of a faculty member’s research team during the academic year or over the summer. They could be immersion experiences, which are now required for all Vanderbilt undergraduates. And they could be semester-long capstone projects, which are required for Master’s students in Data Science at Vanderbilt. Our goal is to help guide students with computational, quantitative, and data science interests and experiences with interesting projects at VU and VUMC.

Please contact with a description of the project, the required skills and experience, contact information, and the like.

These research descriptions will eventually be posted to the DSI web site and advertised regularly to students. We plan to regularly update, add, and remove projects and will reach out for new projects and updates a couple of times per year.

Note that these could be specific projects looking for specific people with specific skills or they could be general descriptions of the kind of research going on in your group and what general skills students would need to join your lab. These could also be advertisements of fresh and interesting data sets you have available that students could get their hands on, which are often useful for Master’s capstone projects. Faculty are certainly welcome to submit more than one project.

If you have any questions, please let us know: