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Arts Engagement at the Frist Art Museum

Posted by on Friday, November 22, 2019 in .

The focus for this week’s Curb Scholar meeting was in-person arts engagement at the Frist Art Museum.  They studied the intricate, intergenerational stitch, bead, wicker, and ceramic work of Native Women in the Hearts of Our People: Native Women Artists exhibit, were exposed to the narratives and aesthetic passions writ large in the Murals of North Nashville Now exhibit, and relived the wonderment of childhood literature through the Eric Carle’s Picture Book exhibit. The outing was prefaced by a brief introduction to John Dewey’s “Art As Experience” and a rumination on the role a viewer plays in completing a work of art.  As a follow-up to their visit, the scholars will use ekphrastic response to detail their interaction with a specific piece, which will be shared with the group at their next meeting.

Written by Joshua Moore
Posted on November 13, 2019