Vandy in Business & Consulting

This community gives access to resources, events, and career advice for students interested in careers in business or consulting. We encourage you to use this space to help you make an informed decision about the area(s) of business you want to engage in for volunteering, internships, and your career.


Through the Business and Consulting Career Community, you will gain deeper knowledge of industries you are considering and discover industries you have not engaged with before. Both the business and consulting fields are filled with complex and interconnected opportunities that span across both industries.  Considering the types of problems you want to solve and the impact you want to make can help you determine the area of business that is right for you, the industry you want to work within, and the skills you need to develop. Careers associated with this community range from corporate to nonprofit, from Wall Street to your local community.


Vandy in Business and Consulting Toolkit

Recruiting timelines, career paths, quick start resources, and more.

Download the Toolkit

Your Community Contacts

  • Catherine Gunnells

    Catherine Gunnells

    Industry Advisor

  • Karen Chan

    Karen Chan

    Employer Relations Specialist

Drop In Hours

Business & Consulting Specific Drop-In Hours

Do you have industry-specific questions? Drop-in hours are a great place to have your application materials reviewed, understand industry recruiting timelines, and learn how to get connected to top employers in your industry!

  • These drop-ins are similar to standard drop ins except they will be reserved for students interested in business and consulting-related industries.
  • No appointment needed and these conversations can last up to 15 minutes.
  • View drop-in hours.

Note: Drop-ins are not held when classes are not in session (holiday breaks, exam days, inclement weather, etc).

Vandy in business & consulting

General Resources:

  • Business Resources for the Undergraduate Business Program: Includes a page for Career & Job search, as well as a tab for the financial platform certifications.
  • Career Shift: Use your Vanderbilt credentials to create an account.
  • Management Consulted is a leading resource on all things consulting, with a focus on resumes, interviews, firm profiles, case interviews, and finding management consulting jobs! Vanderbilt’s free subscription includes unlimited access to their comprehensive learning modules related to all aspects of consulting recruitment.

    Go to course site > Create an account with your Vanderbilt email.

  • Career Research Guide

Business and Consulting In the News:

Recruitment Timeline


Consulting: Typically, most consulting firms are recruiting during the fall of your junior year for the summer after junior year. However, some firms begin recruiting for junior summer internships as early as the fall semester of your sophomore year. 

Business: Businesses typically post their summer internships during the spring semester. 

Gain Experience

Finding Internships


VandyPASS is a digital badging platform where students have a visual representation of the skills obtained during experiential learning opportunities. These badges are based on the following career readiness competencies that employers consider the most valuable in the workplace.

  • Career & Self Development
  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Professionalism
  • Critical Thinking
  • Technology
  • Leadership
  • Equity & Inclusion

Login to VandyPASS profile here. Be sure to use your Vanderbilt email and password.


  • How Do I Explore Which Opportunities Exist in Business?

    There are many opportunities within Business. What Can I Do With This Major? is a great platform to help you start your search.

  • Do I Need a Specific Major, Minor, or Certificate?

    No, but here are some standard options:

    • Human and Organizational Development
    • Economics
    • Hoogland Undergraduate Business Program
    • Communication Studies
    • History
    • Philosophy
    • English
    • Psychology
  • What Is a Case Interview?

    A case interview is a job interview in which the applicant is presented with a challenging business scenario to investigate and propose a solution to. Case interviews are designed to test the candidate's analytical skills and "soft" skills within a realistic business context.

  • How Do I Stand out in the Interview Process?

    The best way to stand out in an interview is to do your research on the company, utilize the CAR method to formulate your interview responses, and prepare questions that you would like to ask. Click here for more details regarding preparing for an interview.