The Vandy in Arts & Media Community encompasses anything from entertainment to film, graphic design to theater, and public relations to music business. Access resources, events, and career advice specific to this industry interest. In this career community, you will tap into a unique network of alumni and employers, and learn how to leverage this network to find opportunities in any creative industry.

Vandy in Arts & Media Toolkit
Recruiting timelines, career paths, quick start resources, and more.
Your Community Contacts
Yasja Hemmings
Career Coach
Drop In Hours
Arts & Media Specific Drop In Hours
Do you have industry-specific questions? Drop in hours are a great place to have your application materials reviewed, understand industry recruiting timelines, and learn how to get connected to top employers in the arts and media industry!
- These drop ins are similar to standard drop-ins except they will be reserved for students interested in arts & media related industries.
- No appointment needed and these conversations can last up to 15 minutes.
- View drop-in hours.
Note: Drop ins are not held when classes are not in session (holiday breaks, exam days, inclement weather, etc).

General Resources
Job & Internship Resources
- Jobs | CreativeGuild
- https://www.hollylist.com/listings
- https://www.hollylist.com/
- https://www.internqueen.com/
- https://theartcareerproject.com/careers/
- https://blog.daisie.com/how-to-land-a-job-in-the-art-industry-a-comprehensive-guide/
- Media Job Board
- Mediabistro: The #1 Media & Creative Job Board
- Media Jobs Connection - Poynter
- PRSA Jobcenter
- Recent Jobs - National Communication Association (NCA)
- Employment and Career - Society of Professional Journalists
- Social Media Manager Jobs | Mediabistro
- Content Strategy Jobs - WorkingInContent.com
- Jobs - NYFA
- Art Frankly
- Americans For The Arts Job Bank
Utilize LinkedIn as a resource, specifically following recruiters who work for companies you’re interested in working for, people who oversee/manage (relevant) early career programs, and companies of interest.
Here are some ideas for who/what pages to follow on LinkedIn:
- Jade Walters (Shares information on internship and early career opportunities).
- Amplify Her Voice (Shares internship, apprenticeship, full-time opportunities within the music industry).
- Sydney Tran (Senior Recruiter - Create Music Group).
- Pixar Animation Studios
- NBCUniversal
Make sure to use keywords in the LinkedIn search bar to find relevant people to follow/connect with.
E.g., “NBCUniversal Recruiter,” “Pixar Early Careers," etc.
Make sure you select ‘people’ from the list of options at the top in order for it to show you relevant people.
Recruitment Timeline
Arts and Media related industries tend to follow the ‘Just in Time’ staffing model where they only hire employees when they need them which results in shorter recruitment and hiring timelines. Some companies have talent acquisition, but actual recruiting in creative industries is rare. Therefore, networking is important! This means, it is very possible for opportunities to be posted seemingly overnight. Here are some tips when considering the recruitment process for Arts and Media:
- Look often and regularly!
- According to Princeton University, Arts & Media industries recruit approximately November to May, but please take this with a grain of salt as a company can post a position at any time of the year depending on hiring needs
Hiring Takeaways to Keep in Mind (According to LinkedIn):
- On average, the hiring process lasts three to six weeks.
- Factors determining the hiring process length include the position level, number of applications, and hiring manager’s experience level.
- Recruiters and hiring managers consider the candidate’s experiences and how those relate to the position when deciding.
- Wait a few days to a week before contacting the hiring team for an update unless they give you a specific timeline.
- Connect with recruiters during the application and interview stages to receive insider updates on the hiring process.
Employers in creative fields typically start their summer intern hiring process a semester early (beginning Jan/Feb), while some larger companies may hire in the late fall (usually around October). Summer internships are the most common in this field, and while fall/spring internships are not as widely offered, they may be less competitive. Finally, it is important to know that some internships in this field are only for post-grads (not undergraduate students), as this is a common method to fill pipelines.