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Importing Grades to the Gradebook

Step 3

Upload your .CSV File to Brigthspace

Go into the Enter Grades area of your gradebook in Brightspace and click Import.

Click Choose File and browse your computer to your saved .csv file.

Click Continue.

You will see a page displaying any errors and warnings that were found. If there are errors, something went wrong during Step 2. Make sure you followed all steps correctly (see below).

Click Continue when there are no errors.

You will see a preview page displaying the new grades you entered for each student. Click Import.

After your successful import, you will be taken back to the gradebook where your newly imported grades will show.

If you experience any errors during your import.

First, we ask that you retrace your steps at least once. Make sure you followed all directions completely. If you are still having problems, please contact Brightspace Support. We are able to inspect your .csv file to help determine what is causing the problem.

Please do not email Brightspace Support your file containing student grade data. Once you have contacted us, we will give you instructions on how to safely share your file in a way that will keep this FERPA sensitive data protected.


Step One: How to export my gradebook into Excel

Step Two: Entering grades into my exported gradebook file