ASSIGNMENT # 1:  Collecting Vanderbilt Urban Legends

DUE DATE AND TIME:   18 Sept. (F), 12 midnight

Describe one Vanderbilt legend you have collected, including a name, the plot summary, motifs employed, and the text of the actual story. Use the following form and submit your results to the newsgroup

vu.anth.anth263.assign1.   Be to format your subject line as follows: YOURLASTNAME: Title of the Essay.


Student’s Name:
Student’s Email Address:

1. Name of the tale

2. Contextual Information

        A. Brief summary of tale:
        B. Tale type and motifs:
        C. Comments on tale:
        D. Approximate date informant first heard the tale:
        E. Relationship of your informant with the individual from whom the informant heard the tale:
        F. Circumstances when tale was first heard:
        G. Give the following information on your informant:
                    Place of birth:
                    Ethnic group:
                    Languages spoken:
                    Year in school (or education level if not a student):
                    Extracurricular jobs?
                    Date Collected:

3. Text of the tale

4. Notes