Dean Search Underway

A search committee has been named to make recommendations to Chancellor Nick Zeppos and Jeff Balser, MD, PhD, vice chancellor for Health Affairs and dean of the School of Medicine, for a new Dean of Nursing at Vanderbilt University.

“This individual will be responsible for building upon the school’s rich heritage of more than100 years of leadership in nursing education,” said Balser.  “The School of Nursing plays an instrumental role at Vanderbilt, helping fulfill our mission to train the nation’s next generation of leaders in health care while also making significant contributions to our clinical and research endeavors.

“Dean Conway-Welch and her senior leadership have set the school on a strong strategic path,” he added.
The committee is chaired by Robert Dittus, MD, MPH, associate vice chancellor for Public Health and Health Care and senior associate dean for Population Health Sciences. Other committee members are: Leanne Boehm, School of Nursing PhD candidate; William Cooper, MD, MPH, Cornelius Vanderbilt Chair and professor of Pediatrics; Marilyn Dubree, MSN, RN, Executive Chief Nursing Officer; Thomas Elasy, MD, MPH, Ann and Roscoe Robinson Chair of Clinical Research at the Diabetes Center and director of the Division of General Internal Medicine and Public Health; Kevin Johnson, MD, MS, Cornelius Vanderbilt Chair, Professor of Biomedical Informatics and chair of the Department of Biomedical Informatics; Joan King, PhD, MSN, professor of Nursing; Melanie Lutenbacher, PhD, MSN, associate professor of Nursing; Morgan McDowell, School of Nursing Master’s candidate; Jonathan Metzl, MD, PhD, Frederick B. Rentschler II Chair and Professor of Sociology and Medicine, Health and Society; Bonnie Miller, MD, senior associate dean for Health Sciences Education; Lorraine Mion, PhD, MSN, Independence Foundation Chair of Nursing Education; Sandra Moutsios, MD, assistant professor of Medicine; Warren Sandberg, MD, PhD, professor and chair of the Department of Anesthesiology; Paul Sternberg, MD, assistant vice chancellor for Adult Health Affairs and chair of the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences; Clare Thomson-Smith, JD, MSN, assistant dean for Faculty Practice; and David Raiford, MD, associate vice chancellor for Health Affairs, liaison with the search committee and VUMC executive leadership.