Crutcher Named to Key Post

Terri Davis Crutcher, MSN, RN, has been named assistant dean for Clinical and Community Partnerships for Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Crutcher will work closely with Bonnie Pilon, DSN, RN, senior associate dean of Clinical and Community Partnerships, assisting with day-to-day operations and strategic direction initiatives for VUSN’s comprehensive network of faculty practice programs.

“Everything Terri touches seems to turn to gold, because of her tireless work and dedication,” said Colleen Conway-Welch, PhD, CNM, dean of VUSN. “She knows about quality improvement from practice and teaching perspectives and is the ideal person to fill this newly created position.”

Crutcher has held nursing management positions at Vanderbilt University Medical Center for more than 25 years.
She has been a faculty member at VUSN since 2000, when she was recruited as the first clinical director for primary care at Vine Hill Clinic, where she led the growth and renovation of that site through 2008.  She is an assistant professor in the School’s Master of Nursing in the Health Systems Management major and has a track record as a successful grant writer.

Crutcher is also currently enrolled in the Doctor of Nursing Practice program at the Georgia Health Sciences University.