Major Access Provisions

According to a Congressional Budget Office estimate, under the provisions of the Accountable Care Act some 32 million more Americans will acquire health coverage by 2019.

• Minimum Medicaid eligibility will expand to 133 percent of the poverty level, increasing the rolls by an estimated 19 million people (current Medicaid enrollment is 47 million).

• Persons with incomes up to 400 percent of the poverty level will receive subsidies (on a sliding scale) to purchase health insurance; for example, a family of four earning 150 percent of the poverty level will pay 2 percent of income or $50 per month for coverage.

• Adults age 26 and younger are now eligible for coverage under parents’ policies.

• Insurers will no longer be permitted to use pre-existing medical conditions as grounds either to refuse coverage or to charge higher premiums.

• Smaller employers will receive tax credits of up to 50 percent of their costs for employee health insurance coverage, and very small employers will be eligible for direct subsidies.

• Larger employers will pay a fine when their employees receive government subsidized health coverage.

• Persons with wherewithal and opportunity who neglect to secure minimum health coverage will pay a penalty.