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Cold Weather Safety and Energy Tips

Posted by on Monday, January 6, 2014 in Archives, Official Notices.

During the months of January and February, freezing temperatures will pose unusual hazards that students should be mindful of. In the next few months, please consider the following tips in order to ensure your personal safety and the safety of those around you:

  • Please take extra care when moving about the campus as walkways and exterior stairs may be coated with ice.
  • During extreme cold temperatures, it is advisable to keep doors and windows closed until temperatures return to normal. Open windows may cause pipes to freeze and rupture.
  • In addition, students should be alert to signs of leaking water when temperatures return to normal. Ruptured pipes may not be noticed until temperatures rise. Leaks can cause considerable damage. If you suspect a leak, please notify an RA immediately.

Stay safe and warm this winter!