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Revealing the Numbers

In 2014/15, more than 60% of undergraduate students enrolled at Vanderbilt received some type of financial assistance from one or more sources.

There is no specific income that will automatically disqualify a family from receiving need-based aid at Vanderbilt. Income is only one consideration when determining eligibility for need-based financial aid. Other significant factors include, but are not limited to, family size; number of children in college; private elementary and secondary tuition expenses; and family assets.

Applying for need-based aid is the only way we can determine your eligibility for such financial assistance.

The average financial aid package for first-year students entering in the fall of 2014 who were offered need-based assistance that included Vanderbilt funds contained 97% gift aid and 3% work.

Students are offered financial aid packages with need-based loans eliminated and gift aid increased to meet full demonstrated need.