FABIOLA, (100 words) Rationale & Template Entry # 7 P FIG

FABIOLA, (100 words)  Rationale & Template Entry #  7  P  FIG 


=== FACULTY (CANON LAW) (Lexical Definition === 20 words) Rationale & Template Entry # 5 CP 


FACUNDUS OF HERMIANE  (200 words)Rationale & Template Entry # 7 T FIG


FAITH (800 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  2  T Concept


FAITH AND ORDER MOVEMENT (200 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  4  MOV


=== FALL (400 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  2  T Concept 


=== FAMILY (413 words instead of 400 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  2  T Concept  #  3  in Cluster



AFRICA (400 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  3  in  Cluster (including 

in African Instituted Churches)

ASIA (400 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  3  in  Cluster 

CARIBBEAN ISLANDS (400 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  3  in  Cluster

EASTERN EUROPE (400 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  3  in  Cluster

LATIN AMERICA (400 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  3  in  Cluster

PACIFIC ISLANDS and AUSTRALIA (400 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  3  in  Cluster

NORTH AMERICA  (400 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  3  in  Cluster

WESTERN EUROPE (400 words)Rationale & Template Entry #  3  in  Cluster

AFRICAN-AMERICAN (400 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  3  in  Cluster

FEMINIST (400 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  3  in  Cluster

HISPANIC (400 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  3  in  Cluster

OTHER MARGINAL GROUPS?  (800 words to be sub-divided) Rationale & Template Entry #  3  in  Cluster


FAREL, GUILLAUME  (200 words) Rationale & Template Entry # 7 T FIG


=== FASTS AND FASTING (Lexical Definition === 61 words) Rationale & Template Entry # 5 CP


FATHER (TITLE) (Lexical Definition === 20 words) Rationale & Template Entry # 5 CP


FATHERHOOD (300 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  2  T Concept


FATIMA  (100 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  7  P  FIG


=== FAUSTUS OF RIEZ   (50 words) Rationale & Template Entry # 7 T FIG


FEAR OF THE LORD 20 word identification


=== FELIX OF URGEL  (50 words)  Rationale & Template Entry # 7 T FIG


FELL, MARGARET [FOX]  (200 words) Rationale & Template Entry # 7 T FIG



AFRICA (400 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  3  in  Cluster

ASIA (400 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  3  in  Cluster

CARIBBEAN ISLANDS (200 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  3  in  Cluster

EASTERN EUROPE (200 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  3  in  Cluster

LATIN AMERICA (400 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  3  in  Cluster

PACIFIC ISLANDS and AUSTRALIA (400 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  3  in  Cluster

NORTH AMERICA   (400 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  3  in  Cluster

WESTERN EUROPE (400 words)Rationale & Template Entry #  3  in  Cluster

MUJERISTA (HISPANIC) (400 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  3  in  Cluster

WOMANIST (AFRICAN-AMERICAN) (400 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  3  in  Cluster

OTHER MARGINAL GROUPS?  (800 words to be sub-divided) Rationale & Template Entry #  3  in  Cluster


FÉNELON, FRANÇOIS (200 words) Rationale & Template Entry # 7 T FIG


FEUERBACH, LUDWIG (300 words) Rationale & Template Entry # 7 T FIG


FIDEISM (20 word lexical definition) Rationale & Template Entry #  2  T Concept

FIJI  .5M  300 words  Rationale & Template Entry #  1  N or R 


FILIOQUE (200 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  2  T Concept


=== FINLAND  4.8M 400 words Sub-Entries 300 words  Rationale & Template Entry #  1  N or R 


FINNEY, CHARLES GRANDISON (300 words)  Rationale & Template Entry #  7  T  FIG  


FLACIUS, MATTHIAS   (300 words) Rationale & Template Entry # 7 T FIG


FLAGELLANTS (Lexical Definition === 20 words) Rationale & Template Entry # 5 CP


FLAVIA VITALIA  (100 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  7  P  FIG


FLAVIAN OF CONSTANTINOPLE  (200 words) Rationale & Template Entry # 7 T FIG


FLESH (20 word lexical definition) Rationale & Template Entry #  2  T Concept


FLOOD in Bible and as symbolic place/  in Christian thought (100 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  2  T Concept


FLORENCE, COUNCIL OF  (400 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  8  EVENT 


FLOROVSKY, GEORGE  (200 words) Rationale & Template Entry # 7 T FIG


FLORUS OF LYONS (200 words) Rationale & Template Entry # 7 T FIG


FONTEVRAULT, Order of   (100 words)  Rationale & Template Entry #  7  P  FIG  (see also BENEDICTINE)


FOOT-WASHING (50 word definition) Rationale & Template Entry #  5 CP


FOREIGNER in Bible and as symbol  in Christian thought (100 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  2  T Concept


FOREKNOWLEDGE (20 word lexical definition) Rationale & Template Entry #  2  T Concept


FORGIVENESS (400 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  2  T Concept


FORNICATION 20 word identification


FORTY-TWO ARTICLES (200 words) Rationale & Template Entry # 6 SCRIP


FOSDICK, HARRY EMERSON  (200 words) Rationale & Template Entry # 7 T FIG


FOX, GEORGE  (200 words)  P Rationale & Template Entry # 7 T FIG (see also FRIENDS, Society of)


FOXE, JOHN  (200 words) Rationale & Template Entry # 7 T FIG


FRANCE  41.8M  2200 words  Sub-Entries 2200 words Rationale & Template Entry #  1  N or R 


FRANCIS  OF ASSISI  (400 words) Rationale & Template Entry # 7 T FIGP 


FRANCISCAN (400 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  4  MOV (see also CATHOLIC ORDERS)


FRANCIS DE SALES  (200 words)  Rationale & Template Entry #  7  P  FIG


FRANCIS XAVIER  (400 words) Rationale & Template Entry # 7 P FIG   


FRANCKE, AUGUST HERMANN  (100 words)   Rationale & Template Entry #  7  P  FIG 


FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN (100 words) Template # 7 T FIG (see also ENLIGHTENMENT)


FRATERNITIES (Lexical Definition === 20 words) Rationale & Template Entry # 5 CP


FRATICELLI (Lexical Definition === 20 words) Rationale & Template Entry # 5 CP (see FRANCISCANS)


FREE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND AND ITS THEOLOGY (400 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  4  MOV




FREEDOM (400 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  2  T Concept (Includes Freedom Of The Will)


FREEMASONRY AND CHRISTIANITY (400 words)  Rationale & Template Entry #  4  MOV (include Philippines)


FREE SPIRIT,  BRETHREN OF  (100 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  4  MOV 


Free Will Baptists (see BAPTISTS)


FRENCH EXPLORATIONS, CONQUESTS, MISSIONS  (400 words) Rationale & Template Entry # 5 CP


=== FRENCH LITERATURE, THE BIBLE, AND CHRISTIANITY (600 words)  Rationale & Template Entry #  9   INTER 


FRIENDS, RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF, AND ITS THEOLOGY (400 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  4  MOV


FRIENDSHIP (Definition === 100 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  2  T Concept


FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT (50 word lexical definition) Rationale & Template Entry #  2  T Concept



FRUMENTIUS (100 words)  Rationale & Template Entry #  7  P  FIG 


Fuller, Charles E. see FUNDAMENTALISM    


FUNDAMENTALISM (800 words) Rationale & Template Entry #  4  MOV