Key Features of The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity:

Key Features of The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity:


·        Edited by an international team and written by hundreds of the world’s leading scholars on all continents and in many countries  (see Editorial Board)


·        Comprehensive entries on major theological concepts and religious practices, outlining, where appropriate, different understandings of the same term across history and cultures


·        Thorough and inclusive entries on major biblical and religious figures


·        Clear presentations of the history of churches, denominations, and other movements, underscoring their distinctive creeds and rituals


·        Truly international coverage with hundreds of national and regional entries


·        Special attention to Christianity’s interrelations with other religious traditions and with different cultures


·        A detailed system of cross-referencing that allows readers to relate and pursue ideas in depth


·        A web site link that provides a regularly updated bibliography for further reading  (see CDC Bibliography)