Vanderbilt University
Department of  Religious Studies, College of Arts and Science

RLST 206 (DIV/REL 3845) Global Interpretations of Christian Scriptures
HOMEScheduleRequirementsBooks | Paper Topic Articles & Presentations Forms


Grades:  A  = Excellent, exceptional = correctly addressing all the questions of the topic, and demonstrating special creativity and insightfulness in analysis;   B  = Good and solid.   = correctly addressing all the questions of the topic, but without special creativity or insightfulness;   C  = Fairly Good = most questions of the topic are addressed correctly, but some questions of the topic have not been addressed correctly or have not been addressed;   D = Poor = Many questions are addressed incorrectly, or not addressed at all.

Late work:  will be accepted but will be penalized by 1/3 of a letter grade per day (a day late begins one hour after the due date)



Throughout the semester, you are under the Honor Code of Vanderbilt University.  All your reports and your paper should represent YOUR OWN work, yet they should benefit from the work of others members of the class [so as you take notes, make sure you identify who said what in class so as to have the proper footnotes].   Identify in notes your sources (including insights from books and articles, from lectures, from presentations and remarks during discussion from other students, and from the Web), so as to avoid plagiarism.  Sign your work as a pledge of compliance with the Honor Code (i.e., you wrote it without receiving aid from (or giving aid to) any other person, except as specified above and in class).