Plantation Organization

  1. Plantations and Family Farms Compared
    1. Labor Constraints
      1. Family Farm--Effectively Limited to Family
      2. Plantation--No Theoretical Limit on Workforce Size
    2. Crop Mix
      1. Plantation--Emphasis on Cotton
      2. Family Farm--Self-Sufficiency
    3. Technology
      1. Family Farm--Incentive to Mechanize
      2. Plantation--Slaves as Substitutes for Machines
  2. Organization of Plantation Labor
    1. Gang System
    2. Maximization of Work
  3. Plantation Management--The Overseer
  4. Care of Slaves
    1. Diet
    2. Clothing
    3. Shelter
    4. Health Care
  5. Control and Discipline
    1. Total Domination
    2. The Whip