While visiting Yoda in Degabah for the second half of his jedi training, Luke learns the identity of both his sister and his father. Ben assures Luke that his notion concerning his fraternal relationship with Leia is correct. After Yoda’s death, the knowledge of another Skywalker eases LukeÂ’s feelings of isolation. Luke also finally accepts his relationship with Vader. Vader initially informs Luke of their relationship in Empire, but Luke could only deny the idea that his father supported the Dark Side. The time which passes between Empire and Jedi seems conducive to LukeÂ’s acceptance of the truth about his family, for YodaÂ’s confirmation of LukeÂ’s relationship with Vader generates a calmer response than LukeÂ’s fervent denial in Empire. Vader himself also recognizes that Luke has come to terms with the truth when Luke surrenders to the Imperial troops and faces Vader and the Emperor voluntarily. By facing his father directly, LukeÂ’s self-development includes learning and accepting the identities of his family members.