

Jay Clayton


"Convergence of the Two Cultures: A Geek's Guide to Contemporary Literature." American Literature (December 2002).

"Frankenstein's Futurity: From Replicants To Robotics." In The Cambridge Companion to Mary Shelley. Ed. Esther Schor. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (forthcoming, 24 pp. in manuscript, 2003).

"Genome Time." In Time and the Literary. Ed. Karen Newman, Jay Clayton, and Marianne Hirsch. New York: Routledge, 2002. 31-59.

"Re-reading the Present" (Co-authored with Karen Newman and Marianne Hirsch). In Time and the Literary. 1-7.

"Cultural Patchwork in the Classroom: Shelley Jackson, Tom Stoppard, William Gibson, and Bruce Sterling Rewrite the Romantics." In Romanticism and Contemporary Culture. Online <>.

"Hacking the Nineteenth Century." In Victorian Afterlife: Postmodern Culture Rewrites the Nineteenth Century. Ed. John R. Kucich and Dianne F. Sadoff. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota Press, 2000. 186-210.

"The Voice in the Machine: Hazlitt, Hardy, James."  In Language Machines: Technologies of Literary and Cultural Production.  Ed. Jeffrey Masten, Peter Stallybrass, and Nancy J. Vickers.  New York: Routledge, 1997.  209-32.

"Concealed Circuits: Frankenstein's Monster, the Medusa, and the Cyborg."  Raritan 15 (1996): 53-69.

"Londublin: Dickens's London in Joyce's Dublin."  Novel: A Forum Fiction 28 (1995): 327-42.

"Is Pip Postmodern? or, Dickens at the End of the Twentieth Century."  In Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism: Charles Dickens's "Great Expectations".  Ed. Janice Carlisle.  Boston: Bedford Books, 1995.  606-24.

"A Portrait of the Romantic Poet as a Young Modernist: Literary History as Textual Unconscious."  In Joyce: The Return of the Repressed.  Ed. Susan Stanford Friedman.  Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1993.  114-27.

"Dickens and the Genealogy of Postmodernism."  Nineteenth-Century Literature 46 (1991): 181-95.

"The Narrative Turn in Recent Minority Fiction."  American Literary History 2 (1990): 375-93.  Reprinted, with revisions, in Narrative and Culture.  Ed. Janice Carlisle and Daniel R. Schwarz.  Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 1994.  58-76.

"Afterword: Voices and Violence--A Dialogue."  (Co-authored with Ellen Wright Clayton).  Vanderbilt Law Review 43 (1990): 1807-1818.

"Narrative and Theories of Desire."  Critical Inquiry 16 (1989): 33-53.

"Contemporary Literature and Contemporary Theory: A Preface."  (Co-authored with Betsy Draine.) Contemporary Literature 29 (1988): 331-6.

"Interview with Stanley Elkin."  Contemporary Literature 24 (1983): 1-12.

"Visionary Power and Narrative Form: Wordsworth and Adam Bede."  ELH 46 (1979): 645-72.


Other Media

Introduction to Modern Literature: The Twentieth Century.  Three audio programs produced for the Annenberg Foundation and National Public Radio on Ernest Hemingway, Robert Frost, and Toni Morrison.
Jay Clayton
Vanderbilt University
Vanderbilt English
last modified 8/4/02